Database Computing is Supercomputing… Some external reading: May 2013

Superman: Doomsday & Beyond
Superman: Doomsday & Beyond (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I would like to recommend to you John Appleby’s post  here on the HANA blog site. While the title suggests the article is about HANA, in fact it is about trends in computing and processors… and very relevant to posts here past, present, and upcoming…

I would also recommend Curt Monash’s site. His notes on Teradata here mirror my observation that a 30%-50% performance boost per release cycle is the target for most commercial databases… and what wins in the general market. This is why the in-memory capabilities offered by HANA and maybe DB2 BLU are so disruptive. These products should offer way more than that… not 1.5X but 100X in some instances.

Finally I recommend “What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory” by Ulrich Drepper here. This paper provides a great foundation for the deep hardware topics to come.

Database computing is becoming a special case, a commercial case, of supercomputing… high-performance computing (HPC) to those less inclined to superlatives. Over the next few years the differentiation between products will increasingly be due to the use of high-performance computing techniques: in-memory techniques, vector processing, massive parallelism, and use of HPC instruction sets.

This may help you to get ready…

A Rebuttal…

This post has been thrown at me a couple of times now… so I’ll now take the time to go through it… and try to address the junk.

It starts by suggesting that “the Germans” have started a war… but the next sentence points out that the author tossed grenades at HANA two months before the start he suggests. It also ignores the fact that the HANA post in question was a response to incorrect public statements by a Microsoft product manager about HANA (here).

The author suggests some issue with understanding clustered indexes… Note that “There are 2 implementations of xVelocity columnstore technology: 1. Non clustered index which is read only – this is the version available in SMP (single node) SQL Server 2012. 2. Columnstore as a clustered index that is updateable – This is the version available in MPP or PDW version of SQL 2012.”. The Microsoft documentation I read did not distinguish between the two and so I mistakenly attributed features of one to the other. Hopefully this clears up the confusion.

He suggests that the concept of keeping redundant versions of the data… one for OLTP and one for BI is “untrue”… I believe that the conventional way to deal with OLTP and BI is to build separate OLTP and BI databases… data warehouses and data marts. So I stand by the original comment.

The author rightfully suggests that I did not provide a reference for my claim that there are odd limitations to the SQL that require hand-coding… here they are (see the do’s and dont’s).

He criticizes my statement that shared-nothing gave us the basis for solving “big data”. I do not understand the criticism? Nearly very large database in the world is based on a shared-nothing architecture… and the SQL Server PDW is based on the same architecture in order to allow SQL Server to scale.

He is critical of the fact that HANA is optimized for the hardware and suggests that HANA does not support Intel’s Ivy Bridge. HANA is optimized for Ivy Bridge… and HANA is designed to fully utilize the hardware… If we keep it simple and suggest that using hardware-specific instruction sets and hardware-specific techniques to keep data in cache together provide a 50X performance boost [This ignores the advantages  of in-memory and focusses only on hw-specific optimizations… where data in cache is either 15X (L3) or 20X (L2) or 200X (L1) faster than data fetched from DRAM… plus 10X or more using super-computer SIMD instructions], I would ask… would you spend 50X more for under-utilized hardware if you had a choice? SAP is pursuing a distinct strategy that deserves a more thoughtful response than the author provided.

He accuses me of lying… lying… about SQL being architected for single-core x286 processors. Sigh. I am unaware of a rewrite of the SQL Server product since the 286… and tacking on support for modern processors is not re-architecting. If SQL Server was re-architected from scratch since then I would be happy to know that I was mistaken… but until I hear about a re-write I will assume the SQL Server architecture, the architecture, is unchanged from when Sybase originally developed it and licensed it to Microsoft.

He says that HANA is cobbled together from older piece parts… and points to a Wikipedia page. But he does not use the words in the article… that HANA was synthesized from other products and , as stated in the next sentence, built on: “a new application architecture“.  So he leaves the reader to believe that there is nothing new… he is mistaken. HANA is more than a synthesis of in-memory, column-store, and shared-nothing. It includes a new execution engine built on algorithms from the search space… columns in the column store are processed as vectors rather than the rote tuple-by-tuple approach from the 1980’s. It includes powerful in-database support for procedural languages with facilities that convert loops to fully parallel set-based processes. It provides, as noted above, a unique approach to supporting OLTP and BI queries in the same instance (see here)… and more. I’m not trying to hype HANA here… time and the market will determine if these new features are important… but there is no doubt that they are new.

I did not find the Business Intelligist post to be very informative or helpful. With the exception of the Wikipedia article mentioned above there is only unsubstantiated opinion in the piece… … and a degree of rudeness that is wholly uncalled for.

The Teradata Myth of Query Concurrency

When I was at Greenplum… and now again at SAP… I ran into a strange logic from Teradata about query concurrency. They claimed that query concurrency was a good thing and an indicator of excellent workload management. Let’s look at a simple picture of how that works.

In Figure 1 we depict a single query on a Teradata cluster. Since each node is working in parallel the picture is representative no matter how many nodes are attached. In the picture each line represents the time it takes to read a block from disk. To make the picture simple we will show I/O taking only 1/10th of the clock time… in the real world it is slower.


Given this simplification we can see that a single query can only consume 10% of the CPU… and the rest of the time the CPU is idle… waiting for work. We also represented some I/O to spool files… as Teradata writes all intermediate results to disk and then reads them in the next step. But this picture is a little unfair to Greenplum and HANA as I do not represent spool I/O completely. For each qualifying row the data is read from the table on disk, written to spool, and then read from spool in the subsequent step. But this note is about concurrency… so I simplified the picture.

Figure 2 shows the same query running on Greenplum. Note that Greenplum uses a data flow architecture that pushes tuples from step to step in the execution plan without writing them to disk. As a result the query completes very quickly after the last tuple is scanned from the table.


Let me say again… this story is about CPU utilization, concurrency, and workload management… I’m not trying to say that there are not optimizations that might make Teradata outperform Greenplum… or optimizations that might make Greenplum even faster still… I just want you to see the impact on concurrency of the spool architecture versus the data flow architecture.

Note that on Greenplum the processors are 20% busy in the interval that the query runs. For complex queries with lots of steps the data flow architecture provides an even more significant advantage to Greenplum. If there are 20 steps in the execution plan then Teradata will do spool I/O, first writing then reading the intermediate results while Greenplum manages all of the results in-memory after the initial reads.

In Figure 3 we see the impact of having the data in-memory as with HANA or TimeTen. Again, I am ignoring the implications of HANA’s columnar orientation and so forth… but you can clearly see the implications by removing block I/O. Image

Now let’s look at the same pictures with 2 concurrent queries. Let’s assume no workload management… just first in, first out.

In Figure 4 we see Teradata with two concurrent queries. Teradata has both queries executing at the same time. The second query is using up the wasted space made available while the CPUs wait for Query 1’s I/O to complete. Teradata spools the intermediate results to disk; which reduces the impact on memory while they wait.  This is very wasteful as described here and here (in short, the Five Minute Rule suggests that data that will be reused right away is more economically stored in memory)… but Teradata carries a legacy from the days when memory was dear.


But to be sure… Teradata has two queries running concurrently. And the CPU is now 20% busy.

Figure 5 shows the two-query picture for Greenplum. Like Teradata, they use the gaps to do work and get both queries running concurrently. Greenplum uses the CPU much more efficiently and does not write and read to spool in between every step.


In Figure 6 we see HANA with two queries. Since one query consumed all of the CPU the second query waits… then blasts through. There is no concurrency… but the work is completed in a fraction of the time required by Teradata.


If we continue to add queries using these simple models we would get to the point where there is no CPU available on any architecture. At this point workload management comes into play. If there is no CPU then all that can be done is to either manage queries in a queue… letting them wait for resources to start… or start them and let them wastefully thrash in and out… there is really no other architectural option.

So using this very simple depiction eventually all three systems find themselves in the same spot… no CPU to spare. But there is much more to the topic and I’ve hinted about these in previous posts.

Starting more queries than you can service is wasteful. Queries have to swap in and out of memory and/or in and out of spool (more I/O!) and/or in and out of the processor caches. It is best to control concurrency… not embrace it.

Running virtual instances of the database instead of lightweight threads adds significant communications overhead. Instances often become unbalanced as the data returned makes the shards uneven. Since queries end when the slowest instance finishes it’s work this can reduce query performance. Each time you preempt a running query you have to restore state and repopulate the processor’s cache… which slows the query by 12X-20X. … Columnar storage helps… but if the data is decompressed too soon then the help is sub-optimal… and so on… all of the tricks used by databases and described in these blogs count.

But what does not count is query concurrency. When Teradata plays this card against Greenplum or HANA they are not talking architecture… it is silliness. Query throughput is what matters. Anyone would take a system that processes 100,000 queries per hour over a system that processes 50,000 queries per hour but lets them all run concurrently.

I’ve been picking on Teradata lately as they have been marketing hard… a little too hard. Teradata is a fine system and they should be proud of their architecture and their place in the market. I am proud to have worked for them. I’ll lay off for a while.


Becoming Unbalanced…

I started this blog with two objectives:

  1. To try and raise the level of understanding of readers about the implications of database architecture… architecture usually counts for more than features; and
  2. To correct marketing claims that cannot be supported by the architecture.

When I was at Greenplum a small company then a small division at EMC… I hope that I kept a balance between the two. But I’m afraid that at SAP I am seeing more junk written about HANA than you can imagine… and I may be becoming unbalanced, in my blogging if not all around. Maybe there is too much HANA stuff?

To combat this I would like to solicit ideas and issues that you might like me to think about. If you see unfair or untrue marketing junk let me know and I’ll see if I can help unFUD it. I won’t promise to take on each and every submission… but I’ll do what I can.

You can best reach me through email at LinkedIn…

And thanks, as always, for your time…

– Rob

Commercial Post Update: HANA and Exalytics and Teradata and IMDB Economics

English: Hawaiian spear fisherman near Hana; M...
English: Hawaiian spear fisherman near Hana; Maui, Hawai‘i. ca. 1890. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here are links to several commercial posts on the Experience HANA Blog FYI…

The Five Minute Rule and HANA: This is a rehash of my posts here applying the famous Five Minute Rule to in-memory databases.

HANA & Exalytics: There is Barely Any Comparison: This is a rehash of my post here pointing out that Exalytics and HANA do not really compete.

HANA vs. Teradata – Part 1: This is a response to some poor thinking posted by Teradata. There is some new content that could be worth a look.

HANA vs. Teradata – Part 2: This continues the response… but it is a rehash of the post here on the rational economics of in-memory databases. Frankly, I had just reread the Teradata posts and wrote this while still annoyed… as a result it is a little flip and despite the junk posted by Teradata I might have shown them a little more respect…

Exalytics vs. Exadata: This post suggests some oddness in Oracle’s positioning of Exalytics and Exadata… maybe worth a look.

Cloud Computing and Data Warehousing: Part 4 – IMDB Data Warehouse in a Cloud

In the previous blogs on this topic (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) I suggested that:

  1. Shared-nothing is required for an EDW,
  2. An EDW is not usually under-utilized,
  3. There are difficulties in re-distributing sharded, shared-nothing data to provide elasticity, and
  4. A SAN cannot provide the same IO bandwidth per server as JBOD… nor hit the same price/performance targets.

Note that these issues are tied together. We might be able to spread the EDW workload over so many shards and so many SANs that the amount of I/O bandwidth per GB of EDW data is equal to or greater than that provided on a DW Appliance. This introduces other problems as there are typically overhead issues with a great many nodes. But it could work.

But what if we changed the architecture so that I/O was not the bottleneck? What if we built a cloud-based shared-nothing in-memory database (IMDB)? Now the data could live on SAN as it would only be read at start-up and written at shut-down… so the issues with the disk subsystem disappear… and issues around sharing the SAN disappear. Further, elasticity becomes feasible. With an IMDB we can add and delete nodes and re-distribute data without disk I/O… in fact it is likely that a column store IMDB could move column-compressed data without re-building rows. IMDB changes the game by removing the expense associated with disk I/O.

There is evidence emerging  that IMDB technology is going to change the playing field (see here).

Right now there are only a few IMDB products ready in the market:

  • TimeTen: which is not shared-nothing scalable, nor columnar, but could be the platform for a very small, 400GB or less (see here), cloud-based EDW;
  • SQLFire: which is semi-shared-nothing scalable (no joins across shards), not columnar, but could be the platform for a larger, maybe 5TB, specialized EDW;
  • ParAccel: which is shared-nothing scalable, columnar, but not fully an IMDB… but could be (see C. Monash here); or
  • SAP HANA: which is shared-nothing, IMDB, columnar and scalable to 100TB (see here).

So it is early… but soon enough we should see real EDWs in the cloud and likely on Amazon EC2, based on in-memory database technologies.

Cloud Computing and Data Warehousing: Part 3 – ParAccel on EC2

In the previous post here I suggested that a SAN-based, cloudy, EDW is about 4X the cost for the same performance over a data warehouse appliance.. and I described why. I have actually seen this comparison.

It is difficult to compare Amazon EC2 hardware to the hardware typically assembled in a shared-nothing EDW cluster whether the hardware is from HP, Dell, Sun, IBM, or Teradata. So let’s assume that Amazon gets a 20% edge due to huge volume purchases over your firm. Note that this is a significant edge since the hardware is a commodity. Further, lets assume that Amazon gets another 30% edge in TCO on system administration costs. This is the cost of staff to manage the Linux OS and the hardware components. This may also be generous to the Amazon side of the equation. The numbers are not important… you can put in whatever seems to model your situation best… if you work for a large efficient company the numbers may go down for EC2.

Lets also assume that you reserve and receive dedicated hardware on EC2. This will not be the case but lets continue to build a best-case scenario for EC2.

From these numbers we can assume that the EC2 configuration will be 3X the cost for the same performance as a dedicated purpose-built database cluster. Again this assumes that the EC2 hardware is dedicated so this number is optimistic.

So why would anyone do this? Because EC2 has no up-front capital expense associated… it is an operating expense. This is significant.

So what is the advantage of buying ParAccel on EC2? I’m unsure. ParAccel has not done particularly well in the marketplace… but it is not clear that this is a technology issue. The answer could lie in the fact that companies deploy ParAccel on EC2 for data mart or application-specific workloads that may not use 100% of the hardware resources provided?

I think that if you work through these three blogs you can get an idea of how to model the opportunity for yourself. If the ability to spend OPEX dollars with Amazon is important… even if you need 3X the hardware… then this is a very interesting way to go.

But do not imagine that you are getting the same performance with ParAccel on EC2 that you wold get with ParAccel on HP or Dell… for a fraction of the price. There is no architectural advantage in ParAccel on EC2 over Vertica or Greenplum or any other DBMS that can run on EC2… ParAccel is, however, trying something new and interesting… if you understand the trade-offs.

In the last blog of this series (here) I’ll discuss some new approaches that may change the game… including another interesting possibility for ParAccel going forward.