Dynamic Late Binding Schemas on Need

I very much like Curt Monash’s posts on dynamic schemas and schema-on-need… here and here are two examples. They make me think… But I am missing something… I mean that sincerely not just as a setup for a critical review. Let’s consider how dynamism is implemented here and there…so that I can ask a question of the audience.

First imagine a simple unschema’d row:

Rob KloppDatabase Fog Bloghttp://robklopp.wordpress.com42

A human with some context could see that there is a name string, a title string, a URL string, and an integer string. If you have the right context you would recognize that the integer holds the answer to the question: “What is the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything?”… see here… otherwise you are lost as to the meaning.

If you load this row into a relational database you could leave the schema out and load a string of 57 characters… or load the data parsed into a schema with Name, Title, URL, Answer. If you load this row into a key-value pair you can load it into an unschema’d row with the Key = Row and the Value equal to the string… or parse the data into four key-value pairs.

In any case you have to parse the data… If you store the data in an unschema’d format you have to parse the data and bind value to keys to columns late… if you store the data parsed then this step is unnecessary. To bind the data late in SQL you might create a view from your program… or more likely you would name the values parsed with SQL string functions. To parse the data into key-value pairs you must do the equivalent. The same logic holds true for more complex parsing. A graph database can store keys, values, and relationships… but these facets have to be known and teased out of the data either early or late. An RDBMS can do the same.

So what is the benefit of a database product that proclaims late binding as an advantage? Is it that late binding is easier to do than in an RDBMS? What am I missing?

Please do not respond with a list of other features provided by NewSQL and NoSQL databases… I understand many of the trade-offs… what I want to know is:

  • What can they do connected to binding values to names that an RDBMS cannot? And if there is no new functionality…
  • Is there someway they allow for binding that is significantly easier?

By the way, the Hitchhiker’s Guide is silent on the question of whether 42 is a constant or ever-changing. I think that I’ll ask Watson.

Part 6: How Hadooped is HANA?

Now for HANA plus Hadoop… to continue this thread on RDBMS-Hadoop integration (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5) I have suggested that we could evaluate integration architecture using three criteria:

  1. How parallel are the pipes to move data between the RDBMS and the parallel file system;
  2. Is there intelligence to push down predicates; and
  3. Is there more intelligence to push down joins and other relational operators?

As a preface I need to include a note/apology. As you will see HANA may well have the best RDBMS-Hadoop integration in the market. I try hard not to blow foam about HANA in this blog… and I hope that the objective criteria I have devised to evaluate all of the products will keep this post credible… but please look at this post harder than most and push back if you think that I overstep.

First… surprisingly, HANA’s first release has only a single pipe to the Hadoop side. This is worrisome but easily fixed. It will negatively impact performance when large tables/files have to be moved up for processing.

But HANA includes Hadoop as a full partner in a federated data architecture using the Smart Data Access (SDA) engine inside the HANA address space. As a result, HANA not only pushes predicates but it uses cost-based optimization to determine what to push down and what to pull up. HANA interrogates the Hadoop system to gather statistics and uses the HANA optimizer to develop smart execution plans with awareness of both the speed of in-memory and the limited memory resources. When data in HANA is joined with data in Hadoop SDA effectively uses semi-joins to minimize the data pulled up.

Finally, HANA can develop execution plans that executes joins in Hadoop. This includes both joins between two Hadoop tables and joins where small in-memory tables are pushed down to execute the joins in Hadoop. The current limitation is that Hadoop files must be defined as Hive tables.

Here is the HANA execution plan for TPC-H query 19. HANA has pushed down all of the steps behind the Remote Row Scan step… so in this case the entire query including a nested loop join was pushed down. In other queries HANA will push only parts of the plan to Hadoop.

TPCH Q19 Plan

So HANA possesses a very sophisticated integration with Hadoop… with capabilities that minimize the amount of data moved based on the cost of the movement. This is where all products need to go. But without parallel pipes this sophisticated capability provides only a moderate advantage (see Part 5),

Note that this is not the ultimate in integration… there is another level… but I’ll leave some ideas for extending integration even further for my final post in the series.

Next… Part 7… considering Greenplum…

Part 5: A Review of Processing Push-down

Continuing this thread on RDBMS-Hadoop integration (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) I have suggested that we could evaluate integration architecture using three criteria:

  1. How parallel are the pipes to move data between the RDBMS and the parallel file system;
  2. Is there intelligence to push down predicates; and
  3. Is there more intelligence to push down joins and other relational operators?

I want to be sure that I’ve conveyed the concepts behind these criteria properly… I may have rushed it in the early parts of this series.

Let’s imagine a query that joins a 2,000,000 row table with a 1000 row dimension table where both live in HDFS.

If all of the data has to be moved from HDFS to the RDBMS then 2,001,000  rows must be read and moved in order to apply a predicate or any other processing.. For fun lets say that the cost of moving this data is 2001K.

If there are 10 parallel pipes then the data movement is completed in one tenth the time… so the cost is 200K.

If a predicate is included that selects only 5% of the data from the big table, and the predicate is pushed down the cost is reduced to 101K. Add in parallel pipes and the cost is 10K

Imagine a query where there is a join between the two tables with predicates on one side and predicate push down… then you have to pay 101K to pull the projected data up and do the join in the RDBMS. If there is a join predicate that reduces the final answer set by another 95% then after the join you return 6K rows. Since everybody returns the same 6K rows as an answer we won’t add that in.

But if you can push the join down as well as the predicates then only 6K rows are moved up… so you can see how 2001K shrinks to 6K through the effective push down of processing.

Further, you can build arbitrarily complex queries and model them pretty well knowing that most of the cost is in data movement.

So think about how Teradata processes these two tables in Hadoop when you use the specialized SQL constructs and then again if you build the query from a BI tool. And stay tuned as I’ll show you how HANA processes the data next…. and then talk about several others.

On to Part 6

Part 4: How Hadooped is Teradata?

In this thread on RDBMS-Hadoop integration (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) I have suggested that we could evaluate integration architecture using three criteria:

  1. How parallel are the pipes to move data between the RDBMS and the parallel file system;
  2. Is there intelligence to push down predicates; and
  3. Is there more intelligence to push down joins and other relational operators?

Let’s consider the Teradata SQL-H implementation using these criteria.

First, Teradata has effective parallel pipes to move data from HDFS to the Teradata database with one pipe per node. There does not seem to be any inter-node IO parallelism. This is a solid feature.

There is a limited ability to push down predicates… SQL-H does allow data to be partitioned on the HDFS side and it will perform partition elimination if the query explicitly calls out a predicate within a partionfilter() keyword. In addition there is an ability to project out columns using a columns() keyword to explicitly specify the columns to be returned. These features are klunky but effective. You would expect partitions to be eliminated when the partitioning column is referenced with a predicate in the query like any other query… and you would expect columns to be projected out if they are not referenced. Normal SQL predicates are applied after the data is moved over the network but before every record is written into the Teradata database.

Finally SQL-H provides no advanced capabilities to push down join operators or other functions.

The bottom line: SQL-H is a sort of klunky implementation, requiring non-ANSI-standard and non-Teradata standard SQL syntax. Predicate push down is limited but better than nothing. As you will see when we review other products, SQL-H is a  basic offering. The lack of full predicate push-down and advanced features will negatively and severely impact performance when accessing large volumes of data, Big Data, and the special SQL syntax will limit the ability to access HDFS data from 3rd party tools. This performance penalty will force customers to pre-join and pre-aggregate data in Hadoop rather than access it naturally.

Next Part 5...


Teradata Magazine: Hands On Dynamic Access

Doug Frazier: SQL-H Presentation

Part 2: Evaluating Exadata… Does it stack up with RDBMS-Hadoop systems?

In my blog yesterday (Part 1) I suggested that we could evaluate RDBMS-Hadoop integration architecture using three criteria:

  1. How parallel are the pipes to move data between the RDBMS and the parallel file system;
  2. Is there intelligence to push down predicates; and
  3. Is there more intelligence to push down joins and other relational operators?

But Exadata is a split RDBMS with a parallel file system backing it… how does it measure up by these criteria?

There are effective parallel pipes between the Oracle RAC RDBMS and the Exadata Storage Subsystem… so Exadata passes the first test. Further, Exadata is smart about pushing scan and projection both down to the Storage layer.

Unfortunately there is a fairly severe imbalance between the number of nodes on the RAC side and the number of nodes on the Storage side and this creates a bottleneck. We cannot give Exadata full marks here… but as far as parallel pipes goes it stacks up pretty well.

The ability to push down predicates goes a long way towards solving this as the predicate push-down reduces the amount of data that has to move over the bottleneck. But in every data warehouse there will be queries that return lots of rows from the early execution steps… and Exadata cannot join data in the Storage Subsystem so it tries to pull data up sparingly and push down semi-joins whenever possible… it just cannot be done in every case (Note: in Exadata POCs Oracle will try to ensure that no queries are included that pull lots of data up to the RAC layer… and competitors will try to include queries that expose this weakness…).

So… Oracle also includes some intelligence to push some data down to reduce data movement. There is no way to choose to move data from the RAC layer to the Storage Subsystem and execute the query there… the Storage Subsystem can only scan and project… so again we cannot give Exadata full marks… but it is pretty smart as you will see when we start looking at alternative implementations.

Finally, Exadata cannot effectively split a single query plan across both layers… so no marks at all here.

So Exadata is pretty good… but it has weak spots that will be severe for an important set of DW queries in any implementation.

Now, on to the Hadoop implementations… to Part 3

Specialized Databases vs. Swiss Army Knives

“That’s not a knife… THAT’S A KNIFE” – C. Dundee (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Michael Stonbreaker has suggested several times… and again in this interview… that  databases will become more specialized and that “one size will fit none”. I’m sure that his argument is more nuanced than the sound bites in the interview, but in this post I’ll suggest a line of thinking that may lead to a different conclusion.

First, let’s agree that the word “fit” means the best price for the performance required to meet your company’s service level requirements.

Then let’s agree with the basic premise behind Dr. Stonebreaker’s argument… we agree that in any single-purpose application a specialized single-purpose DBMS can be developed that will out perform a generalized DBMS. This means that one-half of the fit, performance, is likely.

We would also agree that between the growth of open source databases and the general growth in the database space that  it is likely that someone can and will develop specialized databases and bring them to market in cases where there is enough market to make it worthwhile. But it is important to note that specialization will be not become infinitely narrow… there has to be enough market for the special case to generate an attractive product.

So where is the disagreement: I do not believe that data is ever used in a single specialized business context. Not ever.

Let’s imagine that we have a business requirement for an extremely high volume OLTP application… and let us assume that the performance and/or scalability requirements are beyond what any general DBMS can provide and that the business ROI is significant… in other words, let us imagine that we are Google or Facebook. In this case we have no choice but to select or to develop an extreme, specialized, DBMS to solve the problem and extract the return.

But in this case, once the OLTP transactions are recorded… what do we do with the data? We need to use the data elsewhere in the business as the basis for deep analytics or for basic business intelligence… so we have to replicate the data to a second database. Since the second DBMS is also sort of specialized… it does not have to support OLTP… we select a second specialized, data warehousish product.

And then come new requirements for doing light queries in near real time to support operational analytics… so we build some sort of operational data store. Again we can select a product with a narrow technical sweet spot… but we have to replicate the data a third time.

In other words… given my premise… that data is never used in a single specialized context… specialized databases force replication… and replication allows for further specialization.

But what if the requirements are not so extreme? Then we might use a single conventional RDBMS for the EDW and for the ODS problems. If a more generalized DBMS product exists that could handle both the operational reporting and the analytic reporting requirements in a single image of the data then we could eliminate one replica and one DBMS. In other words, if the problem is not so extreme then a generalized solution might provide a solution in a single instance of the data avoiding replication.

Now the issue becomes: is the cost of a specialized system plus replication plus a second specialized system plus the cost of operating these systems less than the cost of a single generalized system? I believe that the answer will often be in favor of a single system even when the specialized systems are low-cost open source. Since “fit” is about cost maybe one size does fit now and again.

This suggests the strategy of the OldSQL vendors. They are offering a Swiss Army Knife product that serves multiple requirements. Their feature sets have grown over 30 years and they are pretty capable across a wide array of business problems… and with the columnar and in-memory features being added they continue to cover ever more extreme uses cases… not the most extreme use cases… but they cover more ground each year.

The strategy of the NewSQL vendors is to focus tight and hard. They might develop an extreme OLTP DBMS with no ability to do a join… a product with extreme scalability and no performance… or a graph database to solve for an important, narrow, set of queries… or a columnar product that performs analytics but support no OLTP. This trend feeds the specialize and replicate meme advocated by Dr. Stonebreaker.

HANA is a horse of a different color… neither NewSQL nor OldSQL. It is a new code base designed to solve for a very wide set of uses cases in a single instance of the data. We certainly agree in this blog with Dr. Stonebreaker’s contention that the 30 year old legacy code base has to be retired. But SAP contends that you can build a new, generalized, DBMS that solves for all but the most extreme cases.

This is a great spot to end the year… having laid out the battle we will cover in this blog ongoing… with the legacy OldSQL vendors trying to tack on to their legacy code base… and doing pretty well at it… with the NewSQL vendors trying to specialize and replicate… and with HANA offering a new code base designed to solve for the the whole picture. 2014 will be great fun to watch. This also sets the stage to ask next year whether “big data” applications are so extreme as to force users to specialize-replicate-specialize.

Have a great holiday season…  and my best wishes. Thank you all for reading the Database Fog Blog in 2013… I hope for your continued attention in the New Year…

– Rob

Pivotal GPDB and the 2013 Forrester Wave EDW Report

A small wave. (Photo credit: Боби Димитров)

Forrester regularly provides fodder for bloggers when they report on the EDW space (see Curt Monash’s review of their last report here). They have a 2013 report out now that is quite mysterious (see here).

They report that Pivotal is up there with the leading EDW vendors and positioned to move further up.

Here is the mystery. If you go to the Pivotal site and search on “data warehouse” you get ten hits:

There are no hits on the term “enterprise data warehouse” and one hit on the term “EDW” which refers to why you should move data off of the EDW to an analytic platform.

As I’ve pointed out… Pivotal does not market into the EDW space. They are not developing product for that space.  EDW is not part of their product strategy.

The fact that their product is a capable platform for an EDW is worth noting… and readers of this blog should consider GPDB, aka Greenplum, for EDW projects. But you should be fully aware of the risk that Pivotal is not really backing this use case.

For an analyst to suggest that Pivotal has an industry-leading strategy in a space that they are not pursuing at all is very odd.

HANA, BLU, Hekaton, and Oracle 12c vs. Teradata and Greenplum – November 2013

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I would like to point out a very important section in the paper on Hekaton on the Microsoft Research site here. I will quote the section in total:


An analysis done early on in the project drove home the fact that a 10-100X throughput improvement cannot be achieved by optimizing existing SQL Server mechanisms. Throughput can be increased in three ways: improving scalability, improving CPI (cycles per instruction), and reducing the number of instructions executed per request. The analysis showed that, even under highly optimistic assumptions, improving scalability and CPI can produce only a 3-4X improvement. The detailed analysis is included as an appendix. 

The only real hope is to reduce the number of instructions executed but the reduction needs to be dramatic. To go 10X faster, the engine must execute 90% fewer instructions and yet still get the work done. To go 100X faster, it must execute 99% fewer instructions. This level of improvement is not feasible by optimizing existing storage and execution mechanisms. Reaching the 10-100X goal requires a much more efficient way to store and process data. 

This is important because it confirms the difference in a Level 3 and a Level 2 columnar implementation as described here. It is just not possible for a Level 2 implementation with a row-based join engine to achieve the performance of a Level 3 implementation. This will allow the Level 3 implementations: HANA, BLU, Hekaton, and Oracle 12c to distance themselves from the Level 2 products: Teradata and Greenplum; by more than 10X… and this is a very significant advantage.

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Weird blue dot (Photo credit: awshots)

As I noted here, I think that the IBM BLU Accelerator is a very nice piece of work. Readers of this blog are in the software business where any feature developed by any vendor can be developed in a relatively short period of time by any other vendor… and BLU certainly moves DB2 forward in the in-memory database space led by HANA… it narrowed the gap. But let’s look at the gap that remains.

First, IBM is touting the fact that BLU requires no proprietary hardware and suggests that HANA does. I do not really understand this positioning? HANA runs on servers from a long list of vendors and each vendor spins the HANA reference architecture a little differently. I suppose that the fact that there is a HANA reference architecture could be considered limiting… and I guess that there is no reference for BLU… maybe it runs anywhere… but let’s think about that.

If you decide to run BLU and put some data in-memory then certainly you need some free memory to store it. Assuming that you are not running on a server with excess memory this means that you need to buy more. If you are running on a blade that only supports 128GB of DRAM or less, then this is problematic. If you upgrade to a 256GB server then you might get a bit of free memory for a little data. If you upgrade to a fat server that supports 512GB of DRAM or more, then you would likely be within the HANA reference architecture set. There is no magic here.

One of the gaps is related: you cannot cluster BLU so the amount of data you can support in-memory is limited to a single node per the paragraphs above. HANA supports shared-nothing clustering and will scale out to support petabytes of data in-memory.

This limit is not so terribly bad if you store some of your data in the conventional DB2 row store… or in a columnar format on-disk. This is why BLU is an accelerator, not a full-fledged in-memory DBMS. But if the limit means that you can get only a small amount of data resident in-memory it may preclude you from putting the sort of medium-to-large fact tables in BLU that would benefit most from the acceleration.

You might consider putting smaller dimension tables in BLU…. but when you join to the conventional DB2 row store the column store tables are materialized as rows and the row database engine executes the join. You can store the facts in BLU in columnar format… but they may not reside in-memory if there is limited availability… and only those joins that do not use row store will use the BLU level 3 columnar features (see here for a description of the levels of columnar maturity). So many queries will require I/O to fetch data.

When you pull this all together: limited available memory on a single node, with large fact tables projecting in and out of disk storage, and joins pushed to the row store you can imagine the severe constraint for a real-world data warehouse workload. BLU will accelerate some stuff… but the application has to be limited to the DRAM dedicated to BLU.

It is only software… IBM will surely add BLU clustering (see here)… and customers will figure out that they need to buy the same big-memory servers that make up the HANA reference architecture to realize the benefits…  For analytics, BLU features will converge over the next 2-3 years to make it ever more competitive with HANA. But in this first BLU release the use of in-memory marketing slogans and of tests that might not reflect a real-world workload are a little misleading.

Right now it seems that HANA might retain two architectural advantages:

  1. HANA real-time support for OLTP and analytics against a single table instance; and
  2. the performance of the HANA platform: where more application logic runs next to the DBMS, in the same address space, across a lightweight thread boundary.

It is only software… so even these advantages will not remain… and the changing landscape will provide fodder for bloggers for years to come.


Who is How Columnar? Exadata, Teradata, and HANA – Part 2: Column Processing

In my last post here I suggested that there were three levels of maturity around column orientation and described the first level, PAX, which provides columnar compression. This apparently is the level Exadata operates at with its Hybrid Columnar Compression.

In this post we will consider the next two levels of maturity: early materialized column processing and late materialized column processing which provide more I/O avoidance and some processing advantages.

In the previous post I suggested a five-column table and depicted each of those columns oriented on disk in separate file structures. This orientation provides the second level of maturity: columnar projection.

Imagine a query that selects only 4 of the five columns in the table leaving out the EmpFirst column. In this case the physical structure that stores EmpFirst does not have to be accessed; 20% less data is read, reducing the I/O overhead by the same amount. Somewhere in the process the magic has to be invoked that returns the columns to a row orientation… but just maybe that overhead costs less than the saving from the reduced I/O?

Better still, imagine a fact table with 100 columns and a query that accesses only 10 of the columns. This is a very common use case. The result is a 9X reduction in the amount of data that has to be read and a 9X reduction in the cost of weaving columns into rows. This is columnar projection and the impact of this far outweighs small advantage offered by PAX (PAX may provide a .1X-.5X, 10%-50%, compression advantage over full columnar tables). This is the advantage that lets most of the columnar databases beat Exadata in a fair fight.

But Teradata and Greenplum stop here. After data is projected and selected the data is decompressed into rows and processed using their conventional row-based database engines. The gains from more maturity are significant.

The true column stores read compressed columnar data into memory and then operate of the columnar data directly. This provides distinct advantages:

These advantages can provide 10X-50X performance improvements over the previous level of maturity.


Of course your mileage will vary… If your workload tends to touch more than 80% of the columns in your big fact tables then columnar projection will not be useful… and Exadata may win. If your queries do not do much aggregation then columnar processing will be less useful… and a product at Level 2 may win. And of course, this blog has not addressed the complexities of joins and loading and workload management… so please do not consider this as a blanket promotion for Level 3 column stores… but now that you understand the architecture I hope you will be better able to call BS on the marketing…

Included is a table that outlines the maturity level of several products:


Columnar Maturity Level




 Columnar tables, Row Engine


 PAX only


 Full Columnar Support


 Columnar tables, Row Engine


 BLU Hybrid
SQL Server


 I think… researching…


 Full Columnar Support


 Full Columnar Support


 No Columnar Support


 I think… researching…
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