Database Super-computing

Today I am going to focus on a topic that I’ve suggested previously without the right emphasis: the new database architecture that uses vector processing on compressed columns to significantly accelerate performance.

The term “super-computing” was coined to describe the extreme hardware and software optimization developed to crunch numbers in scientific applications. As these technologies developed super-computer hardware evolved to leverage parallel microcomputers, software evolved to better leverage parallelism. Recently, microcomputers have started to incorporate the specialized instructions that support advanced mathematical applications. These super-computer instructions directly support vector algebra by manipulating strings of bits, vectors, in a single instruction. Finally, application developers recognized that these bit strings, these vectors, could be loaded into the microprocessors in a more effective manner to optimize their applications to the bare metal.

The effect of these optimizations accumulate for these applications as vectors compress and use memory more effectively, vectors load into processor cache more effectively, and vector instructions dramatically outperform integer instructions. The cumulative effect is that super-computer programs may be 10X-100X faster than commercial applications that provide the same result.

As this evolution progressed there was a similar evolution changing the architecture of database technology. Databases actually leveraged microcomputers before the high performance space made the move. But databases focused on the benefits of massively parallel I/O more than on the benefits of parallel compute. The drive to minimize the cost of I/O eventually led database developers to implement column store and then a very interesting discovery was made. Engineers recognized that a highly compressed column, a string of bits, could be processed as a vector.

Let’s see if we can make this 10X-100X number more than marketing foam. We can do this by roughly comparing the low-level processing of a chunk of data in integer and then in vector formats.

Let’s skip I/O processing and just focus on internals. This simplification greatly favors our integer DBMS. Keep in mind that the vector DBMS will process compressed vector data directly while the integer DBMS will expend resources to uncompress data and then take up 4X or more memory. This less efficient memory utilization will increase the chance that an I/O may be required and I/O is very expensive in the scenario we will discuss. Even an I/O on 1% of the time by the integer DBMS will provide a 1000X-100,000X advantage to the vector DBMS (see Figure 8 to gauge the latency to SSD or to disk).

Figure 8. Some Latency Metrics

So we’ll start with uncompressed integer data versus compressed vector data. We can assume that both databases are effective at populating cache. But the 4X compression advantage means that the vector processor is more likely to find data in the fast Level 1 cache and in the mid-range L2 cache. Given the characteristics outlined in Figure 8 we might suggest that the vector database is 4X more likely of finding data in cache than the integer database and that if we assume the latency of L2 cache as an estimate this results in a 15X-200X performance advantage.

Since data is in a vector form we can perform relational algebra and basic mathematics using vector algebra and vector addition. This provides another 8X-50X boost to the vector side

When we combine these advantages we see that a 10X-100X advantage is conservative. The bottom line is clear. A columnar database that effectively manages vectors into cache and further utilizes super-computing instructions will significantly out-perform an integer-based product.

The era of database super-computing has begun.

Key Values and Key-Value Stores and In-memory Databases

Back to more geeky topics… although my Mom loved the videos…

When very high performance is required to return key performance metrics derived from large volumes of data to a very large number of clients… in other words when volume and velocity are factors and the results are to be delivered to thousands of users (I suppose that I could conjure up a clever V here… but the cleverness would come from the silliness of the semantic stretch… so I’ll leave it to you all to have some pun); the conventional approach has been to pre-compute the results into a set of values that can be fetched by key. In other words, we build a pre-aggregated and pre-joined result table that provides answers to a single query template. Conventionally building this query-specific result table has been the only way to solve these big problems.

Further, we conventionally store these key-value results in a relational DBMS and fetch a row at a time providing pretty darn good performance. Sometimes pretty darn good is not good enough. So there are new options. Key-value data stores may well offer a solution that provides performance and scale at a price well below what has been conventional to date. This is well and good.

But I would like to challenge the conventional thinking a little. The process of joining and aggregating volumes of data into results is a BI process. For the last twenty years BI practitioners have been building pre-aggregated tables and data marts to solve these same problems… maybe not at scale… and this practice has proven to be very expensive, the opposite of agile, and unsustainable. The people costs to develop and support multiple pre-computed replicas is exorbitant. The lack of flexibility that comes from imposing a longish development project over what is essentially an aggregate BI query is constraining our enterprise and our customers.

A better approach is to use the new high performance database products: HANA, BLU, Oracle 12c, or maybe Spark; to aggregate on-demand. Included in this approach is a requirement to use the new high performance database computing platforms available to house the databases.

Consider this… an in-memory DBMS can aggregate 12M rows/sec/core. It can scan 3MB/msec/core. Companies like SGI and HP are ganging processors together so that you can buy a single node that contains 32, 64, or 128 cores… and this number will go up. A 64-core server will aggregate 768M rows/sec and scan 19.2TB/sec… and you can gang a small number of nodes together and scale out.

Providing an extensible BI platform for big data is so much easier than building single-query key-value clusters… there is much less risk… and the agility and TCO make it close to a no-brainer. We just have to re-think the approach we’ve used for 20 years and let the new software and hardware do the work.

Some HANA and Intel Videos

Here are two videos of me speaking from the 2013 Intel Developer Forum FYI.

The first has some technical detail:

The second is more of a PR pitch about Intel Hadoop:

I’m working with Intel on a new video with a pretty interesting storyline (at least I hope that you find it interesting?)… so stay tuned.


Thinking about BI: Infographics is the next phase…

Infographics by The Guardian (Photo credit: tripu)

I have been thinking about BI… prompted by a friend, Frank Bien, who is the CTO of Looker (you are welcome, Frank, for the plug…) but this post is about a  trend in BI that is worth exploring… and only maybe about Looker or any other tool.

BI was originally about reporting… in its very first iterations users coded SQL directly, or used a 4GL scripting language, and the BI tool was there for formatting the output. Then more focus was put on query-building to make it easier for developers to effectively get the required data.

There was lots of talk at this point about knowledge-workers and do-it-yourself BI… but it never really worked out that way. Business users requested canned reports and went to a query guru to request special reports as required.

The following was pretty normal: after finding some interesting fact in a tabular report a business user would pull the data and build a Powerpoint slide to present the results. As interfaces improved you soon could access the data directly and create Excel or Powerpoint charts without copying the data by hand. In other words data visualization was separated from reporting.

The BI vendors caught on to this, recognizing that data presentation is important, and soon all of the BI tools offered some charting options. But the next step was equally interesting. Charting is a bit of an art… so the BI tools programmed in some directives to help you select the chart that fit your data and that would be visually pleasing. So simple charting as visualization was built-in with some simple assistance to help you with the simple art of presentation.

From here vendors went in two directions, one after the other.

First, dashboards were developed that were customizable and these applications, either semi-static or dynamic, caught your eye. Red lights and limits could be built into a heads-up display. The art of presentation was pretty crude and loudness: bright colors and lots of moving dials and eye-candy won the day. But as far as presentation goes, dashboards are just multiple simple charts arranged on a screen. QlikView led this charge.

Next, a new set of visualization products were rolled out by vendors like Tableau and Pentaho. Users saw that some very powerful pictures could be drawn showing data in a time series… and showing the series changing over time. Since the presentation was more nuanced and more “artistic” the automated assistance required more sophistication and this is where the vendors are now fighting to differentiate themselves.

But an interesting thing was happening outside BI… and this is the point of this note. In the same way that PowerPoint led reporting to charting, a new presentation technique called infographics is emerging. It is the state of the art in data visualization… and Powerpoint… and art… rolled into one. And it is very impactful. I imagine that the next wave of BI tools must embrace this more advanced presentation technique.

Here is how I think this plays out.

The advanced data visualization vendors will provide a palette that directly accesses data, and big data, to allow very custom infographics… you can see some of this at Piktochart although it is more about templates than free form development. But since this is art… tools will be developed that help the art-impaired like me to build nice displays and they will do this by analyzing the data and recommending one or more meaningful infographic displays.

So, maybe in the same way that Powerpoint data presentation anticipated charting in BI tools… Infographics anticipates the next data presentation facility for BI.

I suppose that this is not really a controversial conclusion… and I imagine that if I took the time I could find several start-ups who are way ahead of me on this… but sometimes it’s more fun to daydream it up on my own… and pretend that I’m out front…

Will Hadoop Eat Greenplum and Netezza?

If I were the Register I would have titled this: Raging Stuffed Elephant To Devour Two Warehouse Vendors… I love the Register… if you do not read it have a look

This is a post is about the market implications of architecture…

Let us assume that Hadoop matures and finds a permanent place in the market. This is not certain with some folks expressing concern (here) and others boundless enthusiasm (here). So let’s assume… and consider where it might fit.

One place is in the data warehouse market… This view says Hadoop replaces the DBMS for data warehouses. But the very mature BI/DW market requires a high level of operational integrity and Hadoop is not there yet… it is advancing rapidly as an enterprise platform and I believe it will get there… but it will be 3-4 years. This is the thinking I provided here that leads me to draw the picture in Figure 1.

It is not that I believe that Hadoop will consume the data warehouse market but I believe that very large EDW’s… those over 1PB… and maybe over 500TB will be compelled by the economics of “free” to move big warehouses to Hadoop. So Hadoop will likely move down into the EDW space from the top.

Another option suggests that Big Data will be a platform unto itself. In this view Hadoop will sit beside the existing BI/DW platform and feed that platform the results of queries that derive structure from unstructured data… and/or that aggregate Big Data into consumable chunks. This is where Hadoop sits today.

In data warehouse terms this positions Hadoop as a very large independent analytic data mart. Figure 2 depicts this. Note that an analytics data mart, and a Hadoop cluster, require far less in the way of operational infrastructure… they share very similar technical requirements.

This leads me to the point of this post… if Hadoop becomes a very large analytic data mart then where will Greenplum and Netezza fit in 2-3 years? Both vendors are positioning themselves in the analytic space… Greenplum almost exclusively so. Both vendors offer integrated Hadoop products… Greenplum offers the Greenplum database and Hadoop in the same hardware cluster (see here for their latest announcement)… Netezza provides a Hadoop connector (here). But if you believe in Hadoop… as both vendors ardently do… where do their databases fit in the analytics space once Hadoop matures and fully supports SQL? In the next 3-4 years what will these RDBMSs offer in the big data analytics space that will be compelling enough to make the configuration in Figure 3 attractive?

I know that today Hadoop cannot do all that either Netezza or Greenplum can do. I understand that Netezza has two positions in the market… as an analytic appliance and as a data mart appliance… so it may survive in the mart space. But the overlap of technical requirements between Hadoop and an analytic data mart… combined with the enormous human investment in Hadoop R&D, both in the core and in the eco-system… make me wonder about where “Big Data” analytic relational databases will fit?

Note that this is not a criticism of the Greenplum RDBMS. Greenplum is a very fine product, one of the best EDW platforms around. I’ll have more to say about it when I provide my 2 Cents… But if Figure 2 describes the end state for analytics in 2-3 years then where is the place for the Figure 3 architecture? If Figure 3 is the end state then I do not see where the line will be drawn between the analytic workload that requires Greenplum and that that will run on Hadoop? I barely can see it now… and I cannot see it at all in the near future.

Both EMC Greenplum and IBM seem to strongly believe in Hadoop… they must see the overlap in functionality and feel the market momentum of Hadoop. They must see, better than most, that Hadoop wins this battle.

A Look Back at 2012

There seems to be a sort of odd tradition for bloggers to look back at the past year as the New Year starts to unfold. Here is my review of my posts and some presents

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Top Post

Far and away the most viewed post was Exalytics vs. HANA What are they thinking? This simply notes that these two products are not really comparable sharing only the descriptor “in-memory”.

My Favorite Post

I liked this the best… ’nuff said: What is Big Data?

OK, here is my 2nd favorite: A Quick Five Minute Rule Update for In-memory Databases, but you probably need to read the prequel first: The Five Minute Rule and In-memory Databases

These papers and the underlying thinking by smarter folks than I will inform you about the definition of Hot Data from the point of pure IT economics.

The Most Under-rated Post

This is the post I thought was the most important… as it might strongly influence data warehouse platform buying decisions over the next few years… And it might even influence the stocks you pick: The Future of Hadoop and Big Data DBMSs

Some Other Posts to Read

Here are two posts that informed me:

The Five Minute Rule… This will point you to a Wikipedia article that will point you to the whole series of papers.

What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory… This paper goes into gory detail about how memory works inside a processor. It is hardware-centric for you software folks… but provides the basis for understanding why in-memory DBMSs are fast and why Exadata is not an in-memory DBMS.

And some other Good Stuff

Kevin Closson on Exadata

Google Research

Thank you for your attention last year. I hope that each of you has a safe, prosperous, and happy new year…

– Rob

Data Science or Data Alchemy


I love the tweetness of the @howarddresner posts restated here regarding data science… and the dialog it has started… and I would like to add a twist to the conversation.


First a story…


I once consulted for a company who was building a marketing service for their clients. They targeted customers with products provided by those clients using data they had in-house. The company had a team of data scientists who built targeting models. The same team built models/reports that evaluated the effectiveness of the targeting. Somehow their evaluations demonstrated that they were brilliant… producing results that were unprecedented and completely justifying the service.


But a close look at the targeting and the evaluation showed that the targeting was weak and that the results were grossly inflated.


Karl Popper tells us that science must be falsifiable. But science requires enough rigor that somebody must attempt to falsify any claims.


Data Science” is not science in this respect. It is alchemy… and the shortage of data scientists is twice as bad as you think… because there must be two data scientists for every claim of data discovery… one to discover it and one to test the discovery.


My Father used to say” “Figures never lie… but liars figure”. I am not accusing all data scientists of being as unethical as those in my story… but I worry that under the algorithmic mumbo-jumbo there emerges new versions of the truth that are utterly untested and will often prove inaccurate.



Decision Support Redux

In the late 1980’s and the early 1990’s the term for software that business users executed to run reports, fire off canned queries, and/or to explore data ad hoc was called “decision support” software. Later, and still today, the term “business intelligence” came into use.

I never understood the sense of the switch. The term “business intelligence” is vague… sort of fluffy and pretentious. “Decision support” implies a purpose. In the years when the switch from one term to the other was in progress, if you asked the question: what do you mean by “business intelligence” the answer was… it is “decision support”.

Today the analytics that underlie both terms are becoming more sophisticated, and they execute in near-real-time. It could be said that there is business intelligence in the process that acquires data, analyzes it, discovers a pattern, and applies a rule automatically as a result. But the software programmer who built the system was focused on automating the decision process… not on creating intelligence.

A clear focus on supporting complex decisions will increase the chances of delivering a return on your investment in analytics. “Intelligence” is not useful unless it is applied to make a better decision. I vote for a return to the phrase “decision support”.

OLAP is not advanced analytics

OLAP searches a set of pre-aggregated data… a cube. If the cube is large enough that you don’t bump into the edges you might think that your search is ad hoc… but that is an illusion. The set is prescribed not ad hoc.

In the 1980’s we sent paper reports out… they were moved on a pallet with a fork-lift. The reports aggregated key metrics to many levels in a hierarchy sliced and diced across many dimensions. Today we take the lines off the reports and store them digitally in a cube and provide tools to let users navigate the cube to build their reports. What they build looks, to a large extent, like the reports from the 80’s.

Data warehousing provides more data and better data… so there are more cubes, more dimensions, more reports… and hopefully more business intelligence. But these reports provide 1980’s quality business intelligence on a screen instead of on paper… bounded by the OLAP cube.

When you hear folks talk about data science and data mining and advanced analytics and optimization… they are talking about advanced mathematical treatment of the data… know that this is going to require technology that is beyond the capabilities of a OLAP engine.

Exalytics is a OLAP engine. Here are some Exalytics use cases from a proponent. They are about OLAP dashboards… good stuff… but hardly advanced analytics. Oracle says that Exalytics is engineered for Extreme Analytics. If we agree that “extreme” analytics is not in any way advanced… then I agree.

Real-time Analytics and BI: Part 1 – Singing for my Dinner

Several months ago I was invited to a dinner attached to a data science summit… with the price being that I had to deliver a 5 minute talk… I had to sing for my dinner. The result was this thinking on real-time analytics and the Toyota Prius.

Real-time analytics implies two things:
  1. Changes in the data are evaluated continuously; and
  2. The results of the analysis are used or displayed continuously.
In a Toyota Prius we can see two examples of real-time analytics.
The first is in the anti-lock braking system. There data reflecting the pressure on the brake pedal and on rotation of each wheel is sent to a computer that analyzes the results and adjusts the brake pressure on each wheel so that all four wheels turn at the same rate and the car stops in a straight line.
Note that the analytics are real-time and the results are used immediately without human intervention. This is important. It makes little sense to spend the money to capture and analyze data in real-time if the results are not actionable in near-real-time.
Think for a moment about the BI systems built over the last 20 years. First we captured and analyzed monthly data… and acted on that data within a 30-day window. Then we increased the granularity of the data to weekly and slightly adjusted the reports to reflect the finer granularity… and acted on the data within 7 days. Then we adjusted the data to daily and acted on the results each day. Then we adjusted the data to hourly and reacted even more quickly. These changes often did not fundamentally change the business processes driven by the data… they just made the processes more sensitive to the fine-grained information.
But if the data-driven business process takes ten minutes to complete… for example it takes ten minutes for staff to pick inventory, package the results, and load a delivery truck; could there be a return on the investment expense of developing a continuous, real-time analytic? I think not. There may, however, be ROI associated with a new robotic pick, package, and load process…
There is another possibility… If sometimes the pick, package, and load takes ten minutes and sometimes it takes fifteen minutes then the best solution is to perform the analytics on the current state on-demand… when there are resources to support the process. This maximizes the use of the resources without changing the business process.
The point here is that real-time requires a re-think… or at least a deep-think. The business process may have to change significantly to support real-time analytics.
The second real-time system in the Prius illustrates the problem. On the dashboard the Prius displays, in real-time, the state of the hybrid gas-electric system. It shows whether the battery is charging or discharging… it shows whether the car is being driven using the electric or the internal-combustion engine. It is one of the most beautiful dashboard displays you have ever seen… and executives everywhere must look at it and wonder why they cannot get such a beautiful display of the state of their business… after-all…  BI dashboards are “the thing”.
But the Prius display is useless. There is no action you would take while driving based on this real-time display.From a decision-making view it represents useless and expensive flash (that helps to sell the Prius…).
So… approach real-time analytics with a deep-think. Look for opportunities like the anti-lock braking system where real-time analytics can be embedded into automatic business processes. Avoid flashy dashboards that do not present actionable data.
In-memory databases (IMDB) such as SAP HANA, Oracle TimesTen, and VMWare SQLFire promise to enable real-time analytics… and this promise is real… the opportunities can and will revolutionize the enterprise over time…  but a revolution is not the same old BI at a finer granularity… it is much more significant than that. Heads will roll.
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